Stop or restart Winter Energy Payment form

Use this form if you don't want to get the Winter Energy Payment, or want to start getting it again.

If you get Temporary Additional Support or Special Benefit and don't want to get the Winter Energy Payment, please call us on 0800 559 009 instead of using this form.

We'll write to you once we've processed your request.

Keeping records

If you want to keep a copy of this form for your records, fill it out and print it before submitting.

Fill out the form below

You must fill out all fields except those marked as '(optional)'.

Winter Energy payment details
Do you get Special Benefit or Temporary Additional Support? (required)
We will need to talk with you before we can stop the Winter Energy Payment. Please call us on 0800 559 009 General line or 0800 552 002 if you are getting NZ Superannuation or Veterans Pension
Partner details
Do you have a partner? (required)

Your Details
You can find this on your Community Services Card or by requesting it onlineOpens a new tab.
Enter format 000-000-000 or 000000000
Enter format dd/mm/yyyy
Please include your area code for landlines

To help us confirm your identity, please select a security question relevant to you and type the answer in the "Answer" text box.
