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18 July 2024

Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant Client Contribution

Some MSD benefits are increased yearly through an Annual General Adjustment on 1 April. The Annual General Adjustment is an annual increase to many MSD payment rates for MSD support that is considered income for the calculation of the emergency housing contribution.

Where the Annual General Adjustment on 1 April occurs within a client’s Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant period, MSD can exercise its discretion not to re-assess the client’s emergency housing contribution. This is the case even where it would result in a material difference in the client’s emergency housing contribution. Annual General Adjustment changes to income can be included in the following emergency housing period. 

Clients who qualify for the Emergency Housing Special Needs grant are required to pay a contribution towards their emergency housing costs. Clients must pay the higher of:

  • 25% of their (and their partner’s) net income (including main benefits), or
  • 25% of the appropriate Jobseeker Support rate.

25% of the client and their partner’s Family Tax Credit entitlement is also included when calculating the client’s contribution.


16 July 2024

Housing Support Products - Bond Grant and Moving Costs Grant

The Housing Support Product guidance has been updated to outline what costs cannot be considered for a Housing Support Product.
Bond Grant: a Bond Grant cannot be paid when a client is asked for a bond increase during their tenancy. 
Moving Costs Grant: the costs to move a relocatable home (including cabin delivery fees) cannot be included in a Moving Costs Grant.
Staff can assess a client's eligibility for an Advance or Recoverable Payment of Benefit for these costs instead. The client must meet the relevant qualifications for these types of support.


8 July 2024

Driver licence re-sit fees: Special Needs Grant and Recoverable Assistance Payment

From 8 July 2024, for each Class 1 (car) learner, restricted or full licence, Waka Kotahi will charge:

  • an initial fee covering two tests (one initial test and one free re-sit) and
  • a re-sit fee for any additional tests

In some circumstances, they may also charge a fee for rescheduling driver licence tests.

Clients can still apply for Special Needs Grants and Recoverable Assistance Payments to cover the costs of driver licence tests, including:

  • the initial fee
  • any additional costs the client may have in the process of getting their licence

MSD will still assess each client's individual circumstances when granting financial assistance to cover the driver licencing costs.


Independent Assessment Provider

We have strengthened the guidance available on when MSD can decline Unsupported Child’s Benefit applications.

There are 2 scenarios when MSD may need to contact the Independent Assessment Provider before deciding whether to approve or decline an Unsupported Child’s Benefit application.

If MSD has issues or concerns with the assessment report or doesn’t agree with the recommendation MSD should:

  • fully document why MSD has reached a different conclusion to the Independent Assessment Provider


  • include full notes of any discussion with the Independent Assessment Provider


1 July 2024

Housing Support Products 

The Housing Support Programme has been expanded to extend eligibility to cover some accommodation arrangements that the Residential Tenancy Act 1986 does not apply to.  

Moving Costs Grant, Accommodation Costs in Advance Grant (previously Rent in Advance Grant) and Accommodation Costs Arrears Grant (previously Rent Arrears Grant) are being expanded. 


    A new product, Accommodation Security Cover Grant, has been introduced for clients moving into accommodation that the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 does not apply to. This serves a similar purpose as a bond payment but will be paid at the end of the accommodation agreement if there are outstanding accommodation costs and expenses. 


    Ministry of Health prescription reinstatement  

    From 1 July 2024, the $5.00 co-payment on fully subsidised prescriptions from publicly funded health providers will be reintroduced. The $5.00 co-payment will continue to be waived for people who:  

    • are under 14 years old 
    • hold a CSC, including their dependents aged 14-17 years old, and 
    • are 65 years or older. 

    This may affect clients that get Disability Allowance, Temporary Additional Support and Special Benefit. Clients who hold a Community Services Card will also be impacted by this change. Clients may see a change in their prescription costs and their entitlement to support.  


    Christchurch Mosques Attack assistance  

    On 30 June 2024 the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare programme expired, and no further payments of Christchurch Mosques Attack assistance will be made.   


    Residential Care Subsidy annual general adjustment  

    On 1 July 2024, the Residential Care Subsidy income and asset thresholds, income from asset exemptions, and the allowable gifting amount increase because of the annual general adjustments to benefits and pensions. 


    Training Incentive Allowance  

    Training Incentive Allowance was extended to levels 4-7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025. This change has now been made permanent.  


    28 June 2024

    Temporary Accommodation Assistance

    The Temporary Accommodation Assistance programme is being extended. The end date of the programme is 30 June 2025.
